The book of Colossians - August 2023...


First Baptist Church of Wahiawa is going through the book of Colossians.   Paul wrote this letter to a group of Christians he did not know.  This was started by Epaphras (Col. 1:7-8, 4:12-13) who visited Paul and shared some concerns about how the church is quickly forgetting to stay in Christ.  Paul in return wrote to them to explain important matters in their newfound faith.   

  1. 1:1-23, The Exalted Messiah (opening movement about Jesus)
    • a. 1:1-2,  Paul and the Church in Colossae
    • b.  1:3-8,  Paul thanks God for their faith...
    • b.  1:9-14, Paul prays for greater wisdom
    • c.  1:15-20, Who is Jesus (Messiah Poem, echoes characteristics of God in Gen. 1, Psalm, 2, 8, 28, Exodus 40, and Proverbs 8.  
      • 15-17, In Creation, all things were created through Him
      • 18-20, In Church, He is the head of the body
  2. 1:24-2:5, The Suffering Apostle (why Paul is suffering in Jesus)
    • a. 1:24-27, Nature and the overall reason why Paul is suffering
    • b. 2:1-5, Paul's reason for moving forward despite suffering
  3. 2:6-23, The Pressure to Turn Away From Christ to... (temptations that leads away from Jesus)
    • a.  2:6-10, ...Mystical Polytheism / Philosophy - claiming that Jesus is one of the many deities they worship
    • b.  2:11-17,  ...Observance of the Laws of the Torah - claiming that laws should come alongside Jesus (Warning against Judaistic Ceremonialism)
    • c.  2:18-19, ...Spiritism or angel worship
    • d.  2:20-23, ...Asceticism or Salvation by Works and Rituals
  4. 3-4, The Resurrection Life (new life lived in Jesus) 
    • a. 3:1-17, The New Humanity in Christ
      • 3:1-4, Set your mind on things above
      • 3:5-9, Put off the old man
      • 3:10-17,  Put on the New Man / Not Divided but United (transcends boundaries of culture)
    • b.  3:18-4:1, The New Kind of Attitude towards Others (new way of dealing with immediate relationships)
      • 3:18-21 - Among family members
      • 3:22 - 4:1 - Among other members of your community 
      • 4:2-6 - Within yourself and others who are lost
  5. 4:7-18, Conclusion:  How Christians Treat The Laborers and the Word
    • a.  4:7-15,  How we deal with the laborers of the Word
      • 4:7-9, Tychicus & Onesimus
      • 4:10-15, Aristarchus & Mark, Justus, Epaphras, Luke, Demas & Nympha 
    • b.  4:16-18, How to Handle the Word 

  1. The Book of Colossians (NIV), Bible Gateway
  2. An Overview of the book of Colossians by Chuck Swindoll
  3. Book of Colossians Summary:  A complete Animated Overview by Bible Project
  4. Executable Outline of Colossians by Blue Letter Bible 


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